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Vasiliy Jakushev 509.4615 October 2013 10:23
Sergei Shabunevich 593.7815 October 2013 13:37
Danny Vangenechten 156.3716 October 2013 09:56
Six years ago I adopted a puppie dog from Athens / Greece. She was, together with her 6 brothers and sisters, thrown into a dustbin. Somebody heard them crying and took them out of the dustbin to a veterinarian. I found her on the internet on a website of a Belgian organisation caring for dogs. And we adopted her. All these dogs found a nw home in Belgium. They were lucky. She is such nice dog...friendly and intelligent! My good friend...

A touching picture!
527.6716 October 2013 13:47
Danny, Thank you for your kind words and interesting history. I love dogs, but at home I do not have a dog yet. I am very sorry for homeless dogs. In Belarus there are shelters for homeless animals, too.
Sasha Ermakova 0.6017 October 2013 09:13

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Oct 15, 2013 02:08
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