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Aleksei Solomin 52.6010 December 2019 13:15
Good shot
Agafonova Antonina 208.7814 December 2019 00:41
They walk beautifully. The sky is formidable. "The clouds go gloomy ..."
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Ruslan Ahmetshin 0.0014 December 2019 01:19
One may ask, why do mountains shine so blue? And of course, of course, for an amateur, but this is a matter of taste.
Evgeniy Ermakov 97.6414 December 2019 02:04
Tear out your eye!
Nikolai Semyonov 334.3014 December 2019 05:47
overkill by contrast. the result is a flat frame and the sky as in the Last Judgment
Mihail Nikolaevich 188.4218 December 2019 09:48
Blue ...: photo  Photo

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Dec 10, 2019 09:17
Panasonic, DMC-GF1, 1/1000 sec, F/7.1, 72mm, ISO 100, 08.12.2010
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