Homage to Santiago Calatrava

Homage to Santiago Calatrava / _Composing_

Wall and ceiling cladding of the New York PATH station (architect: Santiago Calatrava), rearranged by me and put together to a new composition.

Wall and ceiling cladding of the New York PATH station (architect: Santiago Calatrava), rearranged by me and put together to a new composition.
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Aleksandr Protopopov 47.6107 May 2020 16:29
An interesting composition.
Evgeniy Ermakov 97.6407 May 2020 23:55
Very fine!
Boris Gurevich 478.4608 May 2020 02:07
Well done, Herbert! One of my mostly respected architects.
Herbert A Franke 57.8008 May 2020 12:28
Aleksandr Protopopov,

Vielen Dank, Aleksndr.
Gruß Herbert
Herbert A Franke 57.8008 May 2020 12:28
Evgeniy Ermakov,
Thank you very much, Evgeniy.
Greeting Herbert
Herbert A Franke 57.8008 May 2020 12:31
Boris Gurevich,
I would like to thank you very much, Boris, for your laudatory comment.
Best greetings, Herbert
Olga Dan 364.9008 May 2020 12:59
Great everything turned out in the frame! I liked it very much!)
Herbert A Franke 57.8008 May 2020 13:32
Olga Dan,
Vielen Dank, Olga, für Deinen freundlichen Kommentar.
Gruß Herbert

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