Sunset in the city

Sunset in the city / ***
293... 8...


Svetlana Vasilieva 329.3018 September 2020 02:14
What a menacingly beautiful sky!
Nikolai Semyonov 334.6218 September 2020 05:57
with such a sky and everything under it will be much darker ... here it is as if a third-party illuminator had worked. Stanislavsky would not have believed
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Ruslan Ahmetshin 0.0025 September 2020 01:25
Well, I really dont want to look at overcooked and poorly processed photos. Although we have different tastes.

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Nikon D5500, Sigma AF 17-70mm f/2.8-4 DC MACRO OS HSM Nikon F|Contemporary
Sep 17, 2020 06:12
NIKON D5500, 1/80 sec, F/5.6, 31mm, ISO 400, 29.08.2020
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