Antonio A Plus Account
Frank Horvat - Fotograf
Antonio A / Blog
Plus AccountJul 19, 2018 06:33

1962, Calcutta, India, Christmas in a night club for sailors

1963, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, dancing couple

1963, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, couple on a Harley Davidson motor bike

1965, Istambul, Turkey, dancer

1955, London, East End, Brick Lane dog market

1950, Milano, Italy, street music

1956, Paris, Bois de Boulogne, prostitutes

1952, Lahore, Pakistan, Hira Mandi, crowd

1956, Paris, prostitutes in police van

1953, Bihar, India, Vinoba Bhave, preacher and politician

1954, London, teenagers

1951, Milano Italy, policeman and demonstrators

1959, Paris, métro

1952, Pakistan, goats' herd

1956, Paris, Place Pigalle, bar scene

1958, Paris, Françoise Sagan, writer

1955, London, East End, Brick Lane dog market

1970, Paris, Karl Lagerfeld, fashion designer, and model

1955, London, Lambeth, boxing boys

1988, for L'Officiel, Maria de Medeiros, actress

1953, Bihar, India, Vinoba Bhave and followers

1958, Paris, Édith Piaf singer, and Bruno Cocatrix, impresario

1954, Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest

1960, Auvergne, France, fashion for Elle

1953, Bihar, India, Vinoba Bhave, preacher and politician, spinning

1959, Paris, Jean-Loup Sieff, photographer, at café Flore

1962, Rita Renoir, stripper

1963, Warsaw, couple in a café

1964, Toledo, Spain, guardia civil with his wife

1967, Bali, Indonesia

Blog / Antonio A
Plus AccountJul 19, 2018 06:33


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