
#1.Tropical / Is it worth it?

Definitely; the question is not if ''#1.Tropical " worth its price, but whether in your eyes,the possession of this digital asset will create a bond or inspire you in such a way that you will crave for more. Isn't that surreal how few artwork pieces bring peace to your soul while others intrigue or somehow disturb your alter ego? 


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so there is no right or wrong choice in regards to physical or virtual art pieces. May positivity inspire your soul!
Is it worth it?

Definitely; the question is not if ''#1.Tropical " worth its price, but whether in your eyes,the possession of this digital asset will create a bond or inspire you in such a way that you will crave for more. Isn't that surreal how few artwork pieces bring peace to your soul while others intrigue or somehow disturb your alter ego? 


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so there is no right or wrong choice in regards to physical or virtual art pieces. May positivity inspire your soul!
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Photography lover. Nomad life. Content creator
Oct 24, 2021 08:36
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