Autumn at the lake / Herbst am See

Autumn at the lake / Herbst am See / The Hasselkampsee (also Hasselkampteich) is a groundwater lake northwest of the village Sonnenberg in the municipality of Vechelde, Peine district in Lower Saxony. It is located about four kilometers west of the city of Brunswick, on the edge of the Bruchwald lowlands of the river Aue.

The waters were created by sand and gravel mining in the second half of the 20th century. After completion of the building material extraction, the area was landscaped by recultivation in the 1980s.

Aerial view of the Hasselkampsee, 2019
Today reeds have formed on shallow shores, which are important habitat for amphibians. In the winter months the Hasselkampsee is an important resting place for migratory birds like the Zwergsäger.

The lake is owned by the Angelsportverein Braunschweig and is used as angling ground.
The Hasselkampsee (also Hasselkampteich) is a groundwater lake northwest of the village Sonnenberg in the municipality of Vechelde, Peine district in Lower Saxony. It is located about four kilometers west of the city of Brunswick, on the edge of the Bruchwald lowlands of the river Aue.

The waters were created by sand and gravel mining in the second half of the 20th century. After completion of the building material extraction, the area was landscaped by recultivation in the 1980s.

Aerial view of the Hasselkampsee, 2019
Today reeds have formed on shallow shores, which are important habitat for amphibians. In the winter months the Hasselkampsee is an important resting place for migratory birds like the Zwergsäger.

The lake is owned by the Angelsportverein Braunschweig and is used as angling ground.
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Nov 06, 2019 14:13
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, 1/125 sec, F/5.0, 100mm, ISO 320, 06.11.2019, Lens: EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
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