Uccelli romantici

Uccelli romantici / Silhouette di Guccioni al calar del sole dietro le colline.
Silhouette di Guccioni al calar del sole dietro le colline.
2806... 102...


Chumankina Tatiana 397.9717 February 2020 03:25
Let's talk.... Spring is coming... Super!
Viktor Moroz 1204.0017 February 2020 03:25
Antonio Amati 152.0517 February 2020 03:36
Parliamo .... La primavera sta arrivando ... Super!
Chumankina Tatiana, E' vero, la tanto desiderata primavera...! Grazie mille Tatiana!
Antonio Amati 152.0517 February 2020 03:37
Viktor Moroz, Grazie mille, Viktor!
Alex M. 751.9217 February 2020 04:24
Antonio Amati 152.0517 February 2020 06:02
Profumatamente !!!
Alex M., Grazie mille Alex!
Agafonova Antonina 208.7820 February 2020 02:50
Beautiful couple!
Antonio Amati 152.0520 February 2020 04:28
Bella coppia!
Agafonova Antonina, Grazie mille Antonina!
Valeriy Talbutdinov. 149.7621 February 2020 15:44
Sde 5.0211 October 2020 01:49
No photos
Elly Puppa 0.0007 February 2022 12:33
Well done

Feb 17, 2020 02:39
NIKON D5200, 1/4000 sec, F/5.6, 300mm, ISO 100, 07.02.2014
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