
Nina / ***
357... 12...


Doug Walkey 42.9612 April 2020 09:01
A journey is better with a camera
A very good attempt. Unfortunately the light on the model is quite different than the light in the scene. You have done some shading on the right, but it is the shadows under the scarf, under the arms and around the face that look very different. PixImperfect on YouTube has some excellent videos on how to composite images, though it can be a bit complex and a lot of work. Thanks for posting.
Viktor Kirillov 226.0611 July 2020 07:37
Wasnt her name Mary?

Apr 11, 2020 16:05
SONY, ILCE-7M2, 1/100 sec, F/8.0, 100mm, ISO 100, 29.08.2019, Lens: 70-210mm F4
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