/ [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49948201138_455ed44cf8_o.jpg[/img]

656... 46...


Boris Gurevich 573.3029 May 2020 02:06
Nice banding!
Vlad O. 31.7229 May 2020 04:43
Handsomely. Especially the man. Without it, it would be just beautiful. And not just that, but with raisins
Suvlehim Takats 0.0029 May 2020 07:39
really nice and the frame in the subject, I do not even want to see in color (although it is curious)
Prete Rosso 114.5229 May 2020 08:44
Evgeniy S. 531.6129 May 2020 08:45
Definitely, I'm sorry for the color.
LAV_60 162.2429 May 2020 08:50
yeah, color, with flickering, flowing color))
Nessie Skuch 987.2529 May 2020 09:06
Color right is very good!
Suvlehim Takats 0.0029 May 2020 09:09
Well, yes! I thought it was b / w, because the colors are too different in color (I have it very often). However, no, here the color is harmonious.
Ruslana 157.7129 May 2020 09:55
We will reach 50 Smile ?  Smile

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