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Reflex 10.7721 November 2020 12:31
The brain rolls up into a tube! ))
A. Shs 32.5622 November 2020 02:30
This is when looking at a photograph. When you see it in nature, it ties into knots.
Sharapkov Dmitriy 46.0128 November 2020 11:58
Interesting shape. Unusual.
Tatyana Kulchitskaya 127.6005 December 2020 10:00
Every photo is a puzzle! HE! Is WHO? Bridge? Stream? Serpent Gorinich? Or, simply, a horror movie?
Ju R A 29.1322 May 2021 07:03
great brain pumping riddle!))

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Nov 21, 2020 10:39
1/20 sec, F/6.3, 18mm, Lens: EF-S15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
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