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Andrei Kolesov 675.1912 December 2020 05:01
Andrei Pasechnyi 225.7312 December 2020 05:22
The mood is perfectly conveyed!
Alex-55-boy 1296.8012 December 2020 06:06
Juriy Eber 335.8212 December 2020 08:15
It is impossible not to react. Recommend!
Aleksandr Suddenkov 177.4312 December 2020 10:20
Ai lamppost is good!
Andrey Shamrin 313.3612 December 2020 11:16
Yes, the lanterns created the mood!
Valeriy Barash 279.0414 December 2020 11:23
Nice !!! Feeling of the holiday !!! I really liked the photo with my mood !!!

Dec 12, 2020 04:55
PENTAX, PENTAX K-5 II s, 1/640 sec, F/9.0, 50mm, ISO 200, 09.12.2013, Lens: smc PENTAX-D FA 50mm F2.8 MACRO
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