Antonio A Plus Account
Fred Stein - Fotograf
Antonio A / Blog
Plus AccountFeb 29, 2020 12:13

Paris Evening, Paris, 1934

Fisherman, Paris

Water Fountain, Paris, 1934

Boy Leaning Against the Wall, Paris, 1937

Le Gaz, Paris, 1935

Old Man With Cane, Paris, 1936

Vendor, Paris

Selling Flowers, Paris, 1935

Streetcorner, Paris

Three Chairs, Paris, 1937

Renovation, Paris, 1934

Swing, Paris, 1934

Steps, Paris

Refugee, Colombes, 1938

Newspaper roll, Paris

Two Boys Fishing, Paris

Knitting, Paris, 1933

House Painters, Paris, 1937

Hole in Fence, Paris, 1936

Grandmothers, Paris, 1934

Fountain, Paris, 1935

Cafe, Paris, 1935

Boy with Violin, Paris, 1935

Bicyclists, Paris, 1937

Embrace, Paris, 1934

Electricians, Paris, 1934

Complet, Paris, 1937

Cobblestones, Paris, 1936

Children Reading the Newspaper, Paris, 1936

Blog / Antonio A
Plus AccountFeb 29, 2020 12:13


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