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Juriy Eber 331.6125 February 2020 22:07
Grandma is modern, excellent!
Yuriy Kovalev 402.1026 February 2020 03:42
Vologda lace
Vbi 100 (Vladimir) 2078.4826 February 2020 04:14
cool  Super
No photos
Yvon Lacaille 0.0026 February 2020 08:35
Great portrait
Aleksei Kondratev 145.6426 February 2020 08:41
Yvon Lacaille, I agree, but what does this have to do with me?
Dmitriy Vorobyov 473.0827 February 2020 18:13
Yvon Lacaille,
Dmitriy Vorobyov 473.0827 February 2020 18:13
Yvon Lacaille, Thank you

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Feb 25, 2020 21:24
Canon EOS 20D, 1/60 sec, F/5.6, 140mm, ISO 400, 27.03.2009
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