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Alex-55-boy 1266.9829 May 2020 23:06
Yeah, the rains have charged! But the clearance in the sky perfectly illuminated the houses!
Yuriy Kovalev 402.1030 May 2020 04:07
like it very much
Antonov5454 200.9830 May 2020 08:46
Good. The town is just clearly not capital ...)
Máximo Vital Candiz 37.3931 May 2020 03:20
Very nice rural landscape turned out with clouds! I love these types and visit such places!

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May 29, 2020 21:54
FUJIFILM, X-T10, 1/680 sec, F/8.0, 35mm, ISO 200, 25.05.2020, Lens: XF35mmF2 R WR
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