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431... 118...


Alexandr Strokov 1573.1511 January 2021 23:28
Beautiful view
Viktor Moroz 1203.9812 January 2021 03:27
Chumankina Tatiana 390.9112 January 2021 03:37
This is the landscape - I admired it!
Alex M. 751.9212 January 2021 04:10
Bright, beautiful, winter landscape! The work looks great !!!
Yuriy Kovalev 402.1012 January 2021 05:33
Shumilov Nikolay 108.5912 January 2021 07:05
You are enticing !!!
Shumilov Nikolay 108.5912 January 2021 07:06
The work attracts with beauty !!!
Marat Maks 425.2312 January 2021 11:22
Zhenja Ryzhov 983.9512 January 2021 17:11
Its nice to recommend your work to new viewers. They are worth millions of views!
Shumilov Nikolay 108.5914 January 2021 08:20
Baikal fascinates ... !!!
Valeriy Grigorenko 106.9621 January 2021 07:29
A beautiful picture ... Amazing places ... Once he served in these parts in his distant youth ...

Jan 11, 2021 22:58
1/2000 sec, F/4.0, 4mm
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